Quick Try

If you want to have a quick look how CiderWebmail works, you can use our test installation or start it locally without installing. 

Download the current release from the Downloads page.

Run the following commands in a shell:

tar xzf CiderWebmail-1.05.tar.gz # Extract the contents of the downloaded file
cd CiderWebmail-1.05 # Go to the extracted directory
perl Makefile.PL # Prepare installation.
# Enter y when asked if you want to install the dependencies
make # Install the dependencies and prepare for installation
perl script/ciderwebmail_server.pl # Start the integrated webserver.

The integrated webserver listens on port 3000. To try CiderWebmail, point your browser to http://the-server-youre-trying-it-on:3000/

Installation from source

Download the current release from the Downloads page.

Run the following commands in a shell:

tar xzf CiderWebmail-1.05.tar.gz # Extract the contents of the downloaded file
cd CiderWebmail-1.05 # Go to the extracted directory
perl Makefile.PL # Prepare installation.
# Enter y when asked if you want to install the dependencies
make # Install the dependencies and prepare for installation
sudo make install # Install CiderWebmail to your system.
mkdir /var/lib/ciderwebmail # Create directory for user settings database
mkdir /etc/ciderwebmail # Create directory for configuration file

Create the configuration file as /etc/ciderwebmail/ciderwebmail.conf

Start the CiderWebmail server using:

CIDERWEBMAIL_CONFIG=/etc/ciderwebmail/ciderwebmail ciderwebmail_server.pl

Or integrate it into your webserver configuration.

The README file contains some information on installation.

This is an area where help is greatly needed and appreciated. Please contact us at any time if you can help.

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